

发布时间: 2024-05-13 11:15:05北京青年报社官方账号

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"Existing protections and penalties for misuse of Australians' personal information under the Privacy Act fall short of community expectations, particularly as a result of the explosion in major social media and online platforms that trade in personal information over the past decade," Porter said.


"Even though we release artificially bred Chinese sturgeon every year, we can't guarantee they will all survive," Li said.


"Everyone in the industry seems to be anxious at the moment. Each time there is news about a scandal or a business shutdown, it is a blow to investors' confidence. A single case could lead to a chain reaction that causes liquidity risks for platforms including well-established ones," said an executive of an online lending platform who asked not to be identified.


"Despite the strong demographic growth and the expected doubling of the African population within the next few years, we need to bear in mind that population density is quite low and it comes with a set of challenges in terms of development. We therefore need to find infrastructure development frameworks that are adaptable for economic, general and specific industrial development," he says.


"Despite Abe and Moon having had a 'friendly and serious' talk, substantial improvement in deeply frayed bilateral ties is unlikely as no one would want to run the risk of compromising because it will provoke a backlash at home," said Yu Qiang, an associate professor at the University of International Relations in Beijing.


